The regulation in China of cosmetic products for children <= 12 years

The regulation in China of cosmetic products for children <= 12 years

"National Medical Products Administration" (NMPA), authority in charge of the cosmetic products regulation in China, has published on October 8th, 2021, the Regulation on Supervision and Administration of children cosmetics.

It guarantees the quality and the safety of cosmetic products for children from 0 to 12 years old - It specifies the items to respect when developing the product, manufacturing, labeling, distributing and adverse reaction monitoring.

The regulation will set for January 1st, 2022.

Tis regulation is in addition to the Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR), regulation for cosmetic products in China, applicable since January 1st, 2021.

As for all the cosmetic products sold in China, it's the function of the product which classifies it in general cosmetics (ex: body clean products) or special use cosmetics (ex: sun protection products) and which defines if the product has to be notified (if general cosmetic) or registered (if special use cosmetic).

To develop a cosmetic product for children in China, it's essential and mandatory to work these 2 regulations to sell the product in China.

Be careful to claim like "for all the family" because your product will have to follow also the regulation of the cosmetic products for children.